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Book Release - Divine Consciousness - The Secret Story of James, the Brother of Jesus, St Paul the Evangelist and the Early Christian Church

Uncategorized Sep 25, 2020

I am so delighted to announce the release of my third book - Divine Consciousness - and the last one in the Radiant Light Series.  This book is the culmination of nearly 10 years worth of work - and I am thrilled that it is available to everyone today. 

2020 has been a huge year for me.  My Italian publisher released Shrouded Truth in Italian in January, Oltre Il Velo, O-Books released my second book, The Magdalene Lineage in March, I came down severely with Covid-19 and now O-Books has released my third book, Divine Consciousness today.  

All I can say is that I have grown a lot as a person this year, and I am thankful that I am here to enjoy the release of Divine Consciousness.

I am also so deeply grateful to everyone who has been involved in the nine years in the creation of Shrouded Truth, The Magdalene Lineage and Divine Consciousness.  While these books have my name on the cover, it really took a village to create and release these books and these books hold the finger prints of so many people's skills, talents, time, energy, reviews and love.  

There are so many people to thank - and I hope you know who you are. However, I would like to give a special shout out to all the regresses, without whom these stories would not have emerged, my amazing husband, Andy Tomlinson, for his unwavering wisdom and constant support, my fabulous mentor, Michael Mann, who believed in me and patiently guided me through this process, and my wonderful publisher - O-Books, who has worked tirelessly to produce and promote these books. 

Most importantly, I want to thank all of you for all your loving support and I hope that you will all enjoy Divine Consciousness  and have enjoyed the book trailer.

Also, could I also please ask you for one more favour? A review is worth the value of gold nugget to all authors.  So, could I please ask, if you are so inclined, to review this book on Amazon or Goodreads or Book Depository or Social Media when you can.  I would be so deeply appreciative.

Now - Introducing Divine Consciousness...

Does Divine Consciousness exist only with the Son of God, or within all of us? 

Two thousand years ago, a rich myriad of Christian teachings emerged after the death of Jesus. Two pillars rose above the din; two churches, two structures, two leaders: James, the Brother of Jesus, and St Paul, the Evangelist.

Journey with St. Paul, whose tireless efforts laid the foundations for one of the biggest religions in modern times. Walk with James, the brother of Jesus, who was given the mantle to lead the original Church by Jesus, upon his death. These accounts offer intimate knowledge of what motivated and moved them, how and why they built and developed the twin pillars of Christianity, and what happened to their respective churches.

Both churches shared the internal essence – LOVE. The biggest tragedy is that the deeper essence that is common to both their teachings got buried under a series of political maneuverings, thought and belief persecution, intolerance and inquisitions.

Two thousand years have dimmed the light on these diverse teachings and their common essence. It is now time to illuminate the secret stories of the Early Christian Church, and shine a light on the nature of love and the Divine Consciousness.

I found this book to be very engaging and inspirational.  Reading this book was like being immersed in the history of the spirit.  – Reader's Favourite Reviews

Reena Kumarasingham has compiled a fantastic alternative to the first-century following in Diving Consciousness. The theories  presented are grounded in a great deal of indisputable terrain, rooted by scripture. It's nearly impossible to attempt to counter a theory when its source is the very book—the Holy Bible—that has been translated hundreds of times over centuries, but from whence Kumarasingham makes a compelling case. - Reader’s Favourite Review 


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